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London- Qigong Workshop- Saturday 10th June

Join us In Bloomsbury Central London for a day of exploration into the fundamental neigong that really sets this system apart.

Gaining an understanding of the neigong allows our natural structure to re-emerge and the whole system to open up and release,

thus setting the scene for gaining access to the true potential of these arts.

This day is applicable from complete beginner to more advanced; so all are welcome.

Space is limited so please be sure to reserve your place.

For any queries and to reserve your place email Saul;

NB For those of you that don’t want to wait until 10th June; I will also be running some Saturday morning

drop in classes in Hyde Park starting 29th April (details tbc),

please check in the ‘classes’ section or drop me a mail for updates, thanks.

London 10th June- Poster (v3)

Bristol- Qigong Workshop Saturday 22nd April

The third in this series of Bristol Workshops; join us as we review and refine our understanding of the fundamental neigong

and the Ba Duan Jin- an extremely accessible qigong set ideal for maintaining and improving health and increasing daily vitality.

For any queries and to reserve your place just drop me a line;

Feel free to share this post and the poster attachment below with anyone who maybe interested.

Looking forward to sharing this work with you all on the day 🙂

Bristol 22nd April- Poster Photo version (3)

London Qigong Workshop Saturday 1st April

I’m glad to announce the first in our series of workshops taking place in London for 2017

Join us for a day of exploration into the fundamental neigong principles that inform and give life to

Qigong, Taiji, Bagua, Xing Yi and Nei Dan.

We will work through six fundamental neigong exercises and explore the underlying principles that give meaning to this work-

the root and the heart of the internal method.

The day will be open to all, from beginner to advanced, all are welcome.

Saturday 1st April 9.30am-5pm   £60

St Georges Church, Bloomsbury. WC1A 2HR

Upper Hall Vestry (access via Little Russell St)

*invite a friend and both get £10 off*

For details and to reserve your place, please email Saul

I look forward to seeing you there!

Nei Gong London Xingyi

Spring Nei Gong Workshop

Brighton QI Gong

Internal Intent UK will be holding a weekend workshop on the 8/9th of April 2017. This will be an opportunity for all to further deepen our Nei Gong work. This will hopefully be a good opportunity to prepare for Roy’s European workshops.


Dates: Sat 8th and Sun 9th April 2017

Time: 9.30 – 17.00

Location: Longhill Sports Centre , Falmer Road, Brighton, Rottingdean BN2 7FR

For more information or to book please contact


Bristol Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – Saturday 18th March

Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – “Eight Pieces of Silk” and associated Neigong.

Join us for the next instalment in Bristol, where we will be deepening and broadening our understanding of neigong and it’s applications.

With a special focus on health practice, we will have an introduction to this very accessible eight exercise qigong set, renowned for it’s healing and life promoting benefits, it is ideal for enhanced health and for increasing your day to day vitality.

Saturday 18th March 9.30am – 5pm       £50

Lincombe Barn, Overndale Rd, Downend. BS16 2RW

**invite a friend and both get £10 off** (ie someone who has not attended one of my previous workshops)

For more info and/or to reserve your place, please email Saul: