Bristol Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – Saturday 18th March

Qigong Workshop – Ba Duan Jin – “Eight Pieces of Silk” and associated Neigong.
Join us for the next instalment in Bristol, where we will be deepening and broadening our understanding of neigong and it’s applications.
With a special focus on health practice, we will have an introduction to this very accessible eight exercise qigong set, renowned for it’s healing and life promoting benefits, it is ideal for enhanced health and for increasing your day to day vitality.
Saturday 18th March 9.30am – 5pm £50
Lincombe Barn, Overndale Rd, Downend. BS16 2RW
**invite a friend and both get £10 off** (ie someone who has not attended one of my previous workshops)
For more info and/or to reserve your place, please email Saul: